Mar 18, 2024
Victor Dulout
The Problem: You want to assign roles to members that are paying for your product outside of Discord. The built-in subsciption feature does not allow for syncing subscriptions from outside of Discord. This is not at all useful for businesses who for example sell products online, have a SaaS product or similar.
Thankfully we have a no-code answer for you to try out for free!
Why Subscriptions on Discord?
Integrated subscriptions can transform your Discord server from a simple chat room to an engaged community of “good users”. Members who feel rewarded and valued for their contribution to your project will provide valuable engagement, feedback, tips, and support to your admins.
Also, it allows you to gate channels, discussions, and polls to “subscribers only” encouraging other members of the community to upgrade their plans if they want to be part of your exclusive content.
The Role of Bind
Bind seamlessly integrates subscription plans into your Discord server. This tool bridges the gap between your value offerings and your community's needs. With Bind, setting up and managing subscription tiers is straightforward and user-friendly.
Why Choose Bind?
No Coding Required: Bind does the heavy lifting for you. All you have to do is come up with cool Discord role ideas your community will be attracted to.
Customisable Plans: Tailor your subscription tiers to match your community's unique flair and your business goals.
Integrated Call-to-action: Bind notifies your members what are the requirements to achieve the next role tier whenever a new member joins the server.
Direct Support: Bind offers a support team to assist you whenever you need help.
Getting Started
To integrate your subscription plans with your Discord server with Bind:
Visit Bind’s website and sign up.
Connect your subscription plans to a role with seamless Stripe, Shopify, CSV, and Redash integrations.
That’s it! Now your members dynamically get assigned the roles and you can encourage members to upgrade their straight from Discord.
With Bind, your Discord server can offer more to your best members while also supporting your growth as a creator or community leader. It's more than just a tool; it's the next step in your server's evolution. So why wait? Unlock the potential of your Discord community with Bind today.