Finally a Stripe-Discord Integration!

Finally a Stripe-Discord Integration!

Mar 6, 2024

Victor Dulout

Are you looking to match your customer data to the members of your Discord server? If so, Bind is excited to unveil a new and free feature for businesses on Discord: a Stripe integration! This tool will allow you to automate Discord role attribution based on customer purchases, streamlining community management and enriching customer engagement. Get started now!

Key Features & Benefits

  • Automated Role Assignments - Connect your Stripe to Bind to automatically update Discord roles based on purchase behaviour. The Bind Discord bot will verify your members and recognise customer purchases should it be a subscription plan or particular items to assign roles.

  • Customised Access - Tailor Discord roles to reflect customer engagement, offering exclusive channels and perks to specific buyer groups. Make your loyal users feel rewarded and valued for their support of your business. You will be fostering loyalty and community support. When it comes to Discord role naming, my experience is the most creative ideas are the most impactful.

  • Call to Action in Discord - You can now have a call-to-action for each role within Discord to incentivise your members to reach the higher tier roles.

  • Efficiency & Insight - This integration not only saves time but also provides insights into purchasing behaviours, and community habits, helping inform future strategies. No more verification tickets!

  • Most importantly, it is Free to use.

Why It Matters

  • Streamlined Operations - reduces workload and errors, allowing you to focus on helping and fostering your community for the business.

  • Increased Customer Loyalty - By directly rewarding purchases with exclusive Discord benefits, you deepen customer relationships and encourage repeat business.

  • Data-Driven Strategies - Linking purchase data with Discord engagement offers valuable insights, enabling targeted marketing and product development.

  • Security - Bind's features make it a discord verification bot, allowing you to gate your server to only verified product users, allowing you to ward off scammers and marketers on your server.

Getting Started

Setting up is easy: create a Bind workspace and link your Stripe account, define roles based on customer actions, and watch your Discord community thrive. It’s free so no harm in trying it out!